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Claire Pelissier-Folcolini

Beautés !

A book's cover

Beautés ! is prefaced by Bernard Franco, Professor of General and Comparative Literature at the Faculty of Letters of Sorbonne University, Director of the UFR of Comparative Literature. We warmly thank him. >> Interview

Synopsis in the form of a poem

A work of art can change the course of our lives,

This is the theme of Claire Folcolini's stories

To read on October twenty-second, two thousand and twenty-one

Alone or with others, out loud, like a tribune

Defending the cause of beauty in all things

Even when the sun rises on a gloomy morning

When the city roars, when anger explodes

There is room for a line, a note, a form, a prose

And why not, for a text conducive to a break

Between two meetings, between two soft thoughts

Growing in each of us this crazy idea

That our humanity is not only intelligence

It is also, and above all, a search for elegance

Back cover

A collection of short stories that all confront characters with works of art that transform their lives. Paintings, sculptures, musical tunes, texts are used at will and play the role of triggers. Whether it is finding love in a museum or saving your neighbor by tagging a poem in an elevator shaft, Claire Pelissier-Folcolini, a literature graduate, knows how to vary the situations and settings to realize the dream of the great Fyodor Dostoyevsky, who claims in his novel The Idiot that "It is beauty that will save the world". This work is worthy of the quote and illustrates it wonderfully.

The author

Claire is a teacher by vocation. Unlike some disillusioned teachers that one can meet at dinner parties in town, she believes in the virtue of art - and in particular her art, literature, which she practices and shares in her class - to trigger positive changes. She willingly talks about her daily life if asked, and if she does not hide the difficulties, she always weighs them against the satisfactions that come from the beauty engendered by beauty.
The vein of the book

The book fits perfectly into the editorial line of the Scenent publishing house. Placed under the gaze of great novelists of the late 19th century and early 20th century, this collection of short stories illustrates the major themes of the time, in a 21st century way. Forbidden or impossible loves, seemingly hopeless poverty, illness, so many subjects treated from a very specific angle: art as a trigger for a new path. At least two works could sponsor (godfather?) this collection:

- The Idiot, by Dostoevsky, and his famous "It is beauty that will save the world".

- All of Proust's work, from his translation of Ruskin to Temps retrouvé.
Why Entre deux rendez-vous ?

This time, Claire has made it short; while waiting for a next novel, perhaps? It makes sense to include this text in this collection which conveys an idea of ​​speed, of constrained time to discover a work, to reconcile with literature if we have the misfortune of having vexed it by forgetting it a little, caught up in the whirlwind of everyday life. Luckily, the collection itself speaks of a change of direction linked to the discovery of a work: which will be yours, the one that will make you change your life?



When reading Beautés!, for example, plan to have a fresh rosé from the south of France, to be consumed in moderation in a ventilated place, a terrace overlooking the sea or the natural shelter offered by a parasol pine.

For older children, a nice slice of fresh pineapple, to be nibbled with one hand while holding the book in the other, or, more practical, as juice.

Agenda - Press

- September 18, 2021 : article in Rainfolk's diary 
- Septembre 22, 2021 : interview of Bernard Franco, preface to the book, at the publisher's premises. >> Interview
- Septembre 23, 2021 : on DEMAIN TV, the publisher presents its news with a focus on two subjects: the challenges of the small entrepreneurial structure and the publication of literature with the release of Beautés! Practical details: Demain TV (channel 31 of TNT Île de France,, Bouygues: channel 302, Free: channel 236, Orange: channel 219, SFR: channel 457).
- October 7, 2021 : article in La Tribune de l'Art : link.
- Octobre 19, 2021 : article in the magazine Place aux nouvelles
- October 22, 2021 : book release. Ilustration in music by Freddy Minc : cf lien.
- October 22, 2021 : book release cover by Esteval.
- October 25, 2021 : joint intervention by Claire and her editor with 80 students from IUT Techniques de commercialisation in Vélizy (located in Rambouillet) on the theme of the communication and marketing plan for books.
- October 25, 2021 : interview on IDFM Radio Enghien for the broadcast "Entre chien et loup", planned for November 1st, 2021.
- October 25, 2021 : Claire's course to Sorbonne students, Beautés! being part of the theme "World Literature".
- October 26, 2021 : intervention with the publisher with the students of Dut Information et Communication, option métiers du livre, Iut de Paris Rives de Seine.
- October 26, 2021 : reading and discussions at the bookshop le Divan, 203 Rue de la Convention, 75015 Paris.
- October 27, 2021 on IDF1 TV : Claire's live appearance on the show JLPP.
- October 28, 2021 on IDFM Radio Enghien : recording of the broadcast "Empreinte" with Claire and the editor, planned for October 30, 2021. 
- October 28, 2021 à 19h30 : reading and discussions at the bookshop La Belle Hortense, 31 Rue Vieille du Temple, 75003 Paris.
- October 29, 2021 à partir de 10h00 : meeting Claire at the Relais Solidaire de Pantin, 61 rue Victor Hugo, 93 500 Pantin, with the Pantin Family association.
- October 29, 2021 at the restaurant and tea room Café Cannelle, 1 Rue Emile Delsol, 92 250 La Garenne-Colombes.
- November 11, 2021 : article in Le Méridional
- November 12, 2021 : article Tarpin Bien
- November 13, 2021 : reading at the restaurant MX, Marseille docks. At once an experiential journey, concept store, bar, restaurant, event… The Mx is built around an emblematic flavor, anise. Located in the heart of the Joliette district at Docks Village, in a constantly renewing setting between the city center and the ports, it draws its inspiration from this spice and the diversity of its city. Link MX. Link press release.
- November 19, 2021 : article in Carolivre (also available on Focuslittérature , Facebook and Instagram)
- December 25, 2021 :  broadcast on France Bleu Provence (replay)
- March 19, 2022 : reading at the bookshop Joie de connaître in Bédarieux (Hérault), with the editor.
- From April 14 to 16, 2022 : readings at the Biganos college (Gironde).
- June 4, 2022 : report of the visit to the college of Biganos. Link :

Readers' notes

They said about Beautés !

lI y a dans cette écriture une grande fraîcheur alliée à une grande maîtrise de la langue, un cocktail pour le moins efficace. A découvrir.

A big reader.
J'ai adoré ces nouvelles, et pas seulement par le lien original qu'elles engagent avec les oeuvres : elles sont superbement écrites et dessinent une ligne très intéressante de tension entre la trivialité de la vie quotidienne et sa transfiguration par l'art.

Bernard, an enthusiastic scholar.
J’ai passé des moments succulents avec Beautés ! Le recueil de nouvelles de Claire Folcolini. L’ouvrage est truffé de références artistiques, littéraires…entre poésies, paroles de chansons, tableaux, sculptures… Les personnages croisent ces oeuvres tout au long de leurs histoires respectives et en voient leur vies bouleversées. C’est un régal !

Soizick, a press officer specializing in culture (music and literature).
L'auteure a un style fluide. Son livre se lit en une soirée. J'ai particulièrement aimé l'expression "... le regard marqué par la folie des hommes". Elle rend bien l'énormité de l'expérience d'un soldat rentrant du front, impossible à partager avec les autres.

A reader with eclectic tastes.
Il y a du talent, c'est enlevé. Certaines nouvelles ont un coté fantasque bienvenu.

Blanche, a great reader aged 96.
Ce recueil est facile à lire. C'est beau, tout simplement.

Sylvie, a great reader and host of a literary tea room : Café Cannelle.

Where to find this book ?

Here :

Published books

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